Many places around the world claim to be a “smart city”, but what that means is often unclear. A smart city is widely seen as an urban area that uses technology to enhance performance and the quality of its services. In other words, it’s a happy marriage of technology and […]
Local government reform update – DLGRMA
The Queensland Government is on a journey to reform the local government sector. These reforms will strengthen the transparency, accountability and integrity of local government in Queensland. The government is committed to supporting local government and ensuring that public confidence and accountability is restored. Legislative changes The Local Government Electoral […]
Take the politics out of infrastructure
[Source: Darragh O’Keeffe, GovernmentNews, 8 October 2018] A growing chorus of experts and bureaucrats are calling on governments to introduce more robust and transparent processes for selecting major public works. The Commonwealth should stop giving infrastructure funding to the states unless they prepare a full business case to be evaluated […]
Reducing Council corruption risks
[Source: Redlands2030.Net, 14 August 2018] Risks of corruption in local councils were discussed recently in Redland City by Crime and Corruption (CCC) Chairman Alan MacSporran and Integrity Commissioner Nikola Stepanov. Key points raised by Mr MacSporran and Dr Stepanov included: public officials must put the public interest above their private […]
New Code For Councillors
The State Government has released the new Councillor Code of Conduct which aims to define the minimum behaviour required by elected representatives. Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said the new Code would take effect in December. He said it had a strong focus on “three Rs”: That councillors carry out […]