OSCAR contact details

P: PO Box 105, Coolum Beach  4573
E: mail@oscar.org.au


Joining OSCAR

OSCAR welcomes membership applications from Community Associations and individuals who agree to subscribe to the OSCAR mission and vision statements. All classes of membership are subject to application and approval at OSCAR General Meetings, which are usually held monthly. Once approved applicants will be notified as soon as possible.

Community associations
A community association is defined as a formal group of people (incorporated or otherwise) who meet as an association on a regular basis and who have as their prime concern the interests of residents of the Sunshine Coast region. The association is represented on OSCAR by two delegates, and has full voting rights. A membership fee of $50 per annum applies.

Community association membership application form

Individual membership
A person with a specific interest in the community and who has as their prime concern the interests of residents on the Sunshine Coast region can apply to become an Associate Member.

A person undertaking part time or full time post-secondary or post-graduate studies such as public administration, political science, community development or other qualification deemed appropriate by OSCAR can apply to become a Student Member. Documented evidence of educational status is required to be emailed to OSCAR at mail@oscar.org.au.

Neither of these individual membership classes has voting rights, and a membership fee of $10 per annum applies to Associate members.

Individual membership application form


We look forward to hearing from you!