Key correspondence

New items of significant correspondence will be accessible from this page prior to each OSCAR meeting. Members can use this page to access the correspondence that will be considered at each meeting as we are no longer intending to distribute hard copies of correspondence at meetings as you will have access to electronic versions for your internal use, distribution and printing if required.

Older correspondence will also be accessible here.

Minor items, or items of internal correspondence (eg between Executive members or between OSCAR and its member organisations and individuals) are not listed here unless of special significance.

June 2024



Active Transport Plan Consultation
Dark Skies Community Engagement
Refreshed Community Strategy Feedback

May 2024


22 May – Response from State Government re TWW
13 May – Public Hearing on Olympic Games Arrangements Amendment Bill


April 2024



14 April – Revised submission on EDQ Amendment Act

March 2024



11 March – Forum thank you to Charles Hodgson
 3 March – Forum thank you to Tony Wellington

January – February 2024



22 February – Letter to the Premier re TWW
21 February – Mayoral candidate forum questions
21 February – Mayoral candidate forum guide and questions

15 February – Noosa candidate survey request
7 February – SCRC Councillor survey request
6 February – SCRC Mayoral survey request

November – December 2023


20 December – TMR acknowledgement, PT consultation


19 December – Clive Palmer DA for Car Museum
18 December – submission to SCRC re Pacific Paradise Local Centre DA
10 December – OSCAR Submission re SC Major Transport projects consultation

October 2023


12 October – SCRC response re TWW Notification process letter


23 October – OSCAR submission on Maroochydore PDA
16 October – Response to SCRC letter of 12 October re TWW
4 October – OSCAR to SCRC re TWW Notification process
3 October – OSCAR submission re Local Government (Councillor Conduct) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

September 2023


29 September – OSCAR submission to SCRC re TWW DA

August 2023


17 August – OSCAR response to ELS second consultation
7 August – Letter of support to SCRC re quarries

June – July 2023

21 July – OSCAR submission to Integrity Amendment Bill
     Integrity and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 – Committee Report

30 June – Submission re Bli Bli MCU
27 June – Letter to SCRC re Community strategy consultation

May 2023


10 May – Lobbyist register response from Office of Integrity Commissioner


30 May – OSCAR submission to SCRC on ELS Strategy refresh
16 May – OSCAR Submission to SCRC re Buddina minor amendment proposal
5 May – OSCAR submission re State Government Planning Amendments

April 2023


28 April – SCRC Response to OSCAR re publication of resolved confidential items
3 April – SCRC Follow Up to issues raised in January meeting with CEO
30 March – SCRC Response to OSCAR Letter re SCA
     5 April – OSCAR follow-up questions


10 April – OSCAR response to SCRC Information Classification and Management Project
26 March – SCRC CEO re SC Airport

March 2023


22 March – SCRC CEO re confidential items request
12 March – Letter to SCRC CEO follow up from 19 January meeting

January – February 2023


Housing Summit response from Minister
SDRIC invitation to public hearing on Expenditure Caps
     Public Hearing Program


Response to SDRIC Committee on Expenditure Caps


See previous OSCAR Correspondence