December 2022



Letter to Premier – Housing summit response

November 2022


Email from Cr O’Pray re Turbine Project


October 2022



SC Airport – Turbine project letter
     Turbine response

September 2022


Ministerial response to OSCAR petition 3746-22 re Southern Sunshine Coast Public Transport Strategy


August 2022


SCRC lawyers – Removal of false Facebook post [Removed following legal advice]


Response to SCRC lawyers [Removed following legal advice]

July 2022


Biosphere CAG invitation from SCRC
SCRC re Dev Watch et al v Sekisui
DW re Sekisui P&E Court hearing
FOY re Sekisui P&E Court hearing

Deputy Premier re expenditure cap reform
     Attachment 1 – key elements of proposed scheme


Submission to SCRC re service station in Pacific Paradise
Letter to SCRC re Sekisui neutrality in P&E Court

April 2022


SCRC – appointment of Group Executive, Customer Engagement and Planning Services


Sunshine Coast Daily re Train for games campaign
OSCAR submission to Coaldrake Review
OSCAR support for BC re short-term letting at Drift by Mosaic

March 2022


SCRC response to OSCAR application for SC Legacy CRG
SCRC invitation to Presentation to Councillors session on 31 March
SCRC CEO – response re Coolum Wave Pool


February 2022


SCRC response re Sunshine Coast Airport PDA


SCRC re Coolum Wave Pool

December 2021 – January 2022


Response from SCRC CEO re SC Airport PDA
Issues for PS2024 Development – Council officer comment
Response from SCRC re Mass Transit correspondence


Email follow up to SCRC Group Executive, Built Infrastructure re OSCAR’s PT presentation
Letter to SCRC CEO re SC Airport PDA
Response to SCRC re Mass Transit correspondence

November 2021


SCRC response to OSCAR’s public transport presentation


SCRC re OSCAR’s public transport presentation
Media Release re Cr Law’s CED motion

Climate emergency letter to Councillors who indicated support for a CED in their candidate survey
Climate emergency letter to Councillors who did not respond to our candidate survey
Climate emergency letter to SCRC Mayor who did not support a CED at the time of our survey

Letter to CEO & Councillors re Special Meeting on SCAP PDA

October 2021


SCRC response to OSCAR MT consultation
Mayoral response to MT letter
SCRC response to OSCAR re declaring a climate emergency


Letter to SCRC Councillors re MT OA Report
Letter to CEO re MT OA report

September 2021


SCRC Flood mapping invite


Letter to Ungerer and Camden re CW
Email to Danielle Cohen (Min Miles office)
     CW petition comments

July 2021


Mayor Jamieson re OSCAR MT Project submission
SCRC reply to OSCAR re PS amendments
Minister Miles – Coolum West


June 2021


SCRC response to Mass Transit questions


May 2021


OIC – Review of RTI decision by SCRC
SCRC – Notification of success in grant application


SCRC CEO – Mass Transit consultation questions
SCRC CEO and Councillors – Climate Emergency declaration

April 2021


Community Strategy Community Forum Invitation


Talking points re CW for DES Minister
Response to letter from CEO SCRC re PS Amendments non publication submissions

Original RTI application re Sekisui Development
     RTI decision notice to OSCAR
     Request for Internal RTI review re Sekisui Development approval
     Sekisui DA Stephen Patey advice
     Sekisui RTI Page 1326-1328 PJ to MC
     PJ email to MC re Strategic Planning and Sekisui
     SCD – Steve Robinson response re Sekisui
     Internal review response
     Request External RTI Review

Letter to Deputy Premier re Coolum West

March 2021


SCRC CEO reply re PS amendment submissions
Internal review response RTI20_11 (Sekisui)


Letter of thanks to Carl Ungerer and Jason Camden re CW

January – February 2021


RTI re Sekisui decision notice to OSCAR
Response from DSDILGP re meeting request
Minister for the Environment re Surf Ranch at Coolum West
SCRC Mayoral Correspondence


Request Internal RTI review re Sekisui Development Approval
Letter to SCRC CEO – PS amendments package submission non disclosure

Welcome letter to SCRC CEO
New Year welcome letter to SCRC Councillors and staff

Letter to Minister Hinchcliffe re CW
Letter to Minister Scanlon re CW

December 2020


Letter to Minister Steven Miles re CW
     Revised Coolum West submission – post State Election

November 2020


John Hare – Noosa Today article re P&E appeal costs
Transport Community Reference Group Meeting Notes – November 2020


October 2020


Invitation re Travel Behaviour Change workshop 
Response from A Whyte re CAF (SCAP)
Response re forum date for drainage issues
SCRC acknowledgement re MNS drainage issues
Response from Minister Jones re Coolum West
SCRC Mayor response re Mass transit project


Airservices Australia PIR submission re SCAP
Letter to SCRC re CHAS presentation to OSCAR
Additional letter to Minister Jones re CW
     Blue carbon partnership an Australian first – media release 

September 2020


Airservices Australia – Flight Path Design Principles update
Email response from Premier re CW
SCRC re arrangements for notifying Councillors of current/pending DAs
      Mayor Booking Form – Declaration


Letter to Cr O’Pray re drainage issues
OSCAR Notice of Election P&E Court re TWW
     Notice of Election to Clayton Utz
     Notice of Election to SCRC
Letter to heads of department re CW
Submission to State Government re CW
Letter to Northshore community groups re flooding
SCRC re community consultation on Mass Transit Project
SCRC arrangements for notifying Councillors of current/pending DAs

August 2020


SCRC CEO response re COI and DA submitters
Transport Community Reference Group – Meeting Notes, 4 August 2020
Premier’s acknowledgement of CW letter
Correspondence from Kate Jones MP


SCRC CEO re COI and submitters to DAs
SCRC re arrangements for notifying Councillors of current DA’s
Media Release from Community 6 re CW wave pool
Letter to Premier re Coolum West
Thank you letter – Minister Jones re CW meeting
Submission to State Government – Unite and Recover feedback

July 2020


OSCAR request for CAF membership


Cover email – submission from community groups re Coolum West
     Revised submission to State Government re Coolum West

Letter – acknowledgement to Bill Hoffman
     Certificate of Appreciation – Bill Hoffman
Letter to SCRC and Councillors re Live Streaming and Confidential Items

June 2020


Acknowledgement from Minister Jones


Letter re Community Aviation Forum
Letter to SCRC re CW and joint advocacy
Media release – Coolum West
Coolum West letter to Minister Jones
    Cover email accompanying letter
    Coolum West email to Cr Suarez

May 2020



ECQ questionnaires for candidates and members
Letter to SCRC councillors re recent election success
Submission – Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee re ECQ website

April 2020


SCRC re Arrangements for the start of new SCRC term

March 2020

SCRC re Ordinary Meeting Thursday 19 March 2020


Email to candidates with election questionnaire
Email trail – Crs Rogerson and Dwyer
Letter to CEO re 18 March OM

February 2020

SCRC CEO response re ICEO

Letter to SCRC CEO re ICEO


December 2019/January 2020


LGAQ response re ICEO
Letter from SCRC CEO with attachments


         OSCAR  email updates/newsletters

Auditor Thank you 2019
Letter to SCRC CEO


November 2019


Coolum ‘Surf Ranch’ proposal-joint community release
Airport report re PFAS – Cr O’Pray
Sunshine Coast airspace and flight path changes CE response

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 11, 16 & 24 November

Request for Information re Robertson team


October 2019


Sunshine Coast Council Response re short term letting
Airport Master Plan letter
Airservices Aus re flightpaths
Resignation letter Kathryn Hyman
Sunshine Coast Airport Draft Master Plan 2040 – Response to submission themes (1)

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 6 & 22 October

OSCAR to Mayor Noosa re Short term letting

September 2019 


SCRC – charging points for electric vehicles in Brisbane Road Carpark
SCRC CEO – Status of proposed Planning Scheme Amendments
      – Attachment
Acknowledgement of OSCAR submission on SCA Draft Master Plan 2040
RTI application strategic projects – further clarification of cost from SCRC

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 26 August, 1, 3, 5, 15 & 24 September

Cr O’Pray – Confidential report re ponded water discharge
RTI application strategic projects – advice to SCRC that OSCAR is not proceeding
SCRC CEO – prospective PS Amendments

August 2019


CBD Priority Development Area Development Scheme Amendment (no.2) 2019
RTI 18 045 2nd charges estimate notice – SCRC Strategic projects
Premier response re mass transit project

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 28 July, 1, 5, 11, 20 August

SCRC – Follow-up questions on Debt Policy and new Council Chambers funding
Example Noosa councillor letter re meeting reforms

RTI 18 045 scope refinement request – SCRC Strategic projects 

July 2019


Marc Cornell, SCRC – Clarifications re MCU18/0350 & RAL18/0199 TWW
SCRC – RTI18 045 Charges estimate notice to OSCAR – strategic projects
Matt Druce – SDDCA membership query and clarification
Andrew Powell, MP – request for correction of May OSCAR minutes in relation to public transport blueprint

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 30 June, 7, 14 and 21 July

OSCAR submission re Twin Waters West DA
Response to Andrew Powell, MP – re request for correction of May OSCAR minutes

June 2019


SCRC response to letter re Debt Policy
Ross Ullman – correction to OSCAR minutes in relation to SCAEP
SCRC GE Business Performance – City Hall questions response
DLGRMA – LG reform progress
SCRC Community Strategy 2019-2041 – Stakeholder forum
Noosa CEO – various issues response
Cr Baberowski – Public transport business case
SCRC – Palmwoods Urban Investigation Areas Request for State Response
Airservices Australia – Letter to community re SCA Proposed Airspace and Flight Path Changes
Community Advisory Group (CAG) – Voluntary Member Notice for Susie Chapman
Community Advisory Group Charter

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 2 & 16 June

SCRC GE Business Performance – City Hall questions
Noosa CEO – various issues
RTI application – SCRC Strategic projects (see Item 6 for information being sought)
Biosphere workshop follow-up
SCRC CEO – Debt policy and new Council Chambers funding
Premier – Sunshine Coast transport blueprint


April and May 2019


Attorney General – response re Wharf Tavern Mooloolaba
SCRC CEO- legal costs in relation to PE appeals

OIC Response – Final response re Brisbane Road Carpark RTI application
OIC Response – External Review Brisbane Road RTI application

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 7 & 21 April, 5 & 19 May


March 2019


LG Minister response – election reforms
SCRC – Biosphere nomination
SCRC Response – Sunshine Coast Design Strategy
Cr McKay – response re LG reforms
Noosa CEO – Appeals by developers response

Simon Cracknell – comments re SCRC City Hall letter from February *

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 10 and 24 March

SCRC CEO – Design strategy questions
OSCAR submission on draft management plan for Mount Coolum National Park
LG Minister – election reforms


February 2019


* SCRC response – Community concerns on the CBD Council Chambers
OLGR reply – Wharf Tavern
Tim Dunne, DLGRMA – reform progress response
Office of Information Commissioner – procedural advice letter
SCRC Integrated Transport Strategy adoption advice

OSCAR  email updates/newsletters – 10, 17 and 24 February

Noosa CEO – Appeals by developers
SCRC CEO – Appeals by developers
Tim Dunne, DLGRMA – LG reform progress update request

December 2018/January 2019


SCRC – MRECG appreciation letter
SCRC – Brisbane Road Carpark RTI Internal Review decision
SCRC – Environment & Liveability Strategy Annual Report cover letter

OSCAR  email updates – 2, 23 December, 9, 16, 21 January

SCRC CEO – Community concerns on the CBD Council Chambers
Office of the Information Commissioner – request for external review of RTI decision by SCRC
OIC – OSCAR external review application
OSCAR to OLGR, Department of Justice re Wharf Tavern Mooloolaba

November 2018


SCRC CEO – response re Community consultation on the CBD Council Chambers
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at S and OM 8 November
SCRC RTI Officer – follow-up on our internal review request

OSCAR email updates – 28 October, 4 November, 11 November, 18 November

SCRC CEO – Community consultation on the CBD Council Chambers (ie City Hall)
SCRC Councillors re Brisbane Road Carpark motion for 8 November Ordinary Meeting
SCRC RTI Officer – Brisbane Road Carpark internal review request
Cr Connolly – Brisbane Road Car Park

October 2018


SCRC – OSCAR briefing on Caloundra Centre MP and SEPs amendments

SCRC RTI Officer – response re extensions of review request time
SCRC – Palmview Urban Development Investigation
PBCA – media release re Peregian Beach development
PBCA – cover letter re Peregian Beach development
SCRC – PS amendments for Caloundra and Special Entertainment Precincts
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 11 October
From Planning Minister – planning scheme response extension request
Deputy Mayor, Noosa – meeting minutes and streaming

OSCAR email updates – 7 October, 14 October, 21 October

Andrew Wallace, MHR – thank you for comments on the SC Airport Expansion project
Cr Rogerson – re SC City Hall High Level Project Plan

September 2018


SCRC – re Party house letter
Claudia Baldwin – rates and SCRC Social Strategy
Angela Wilson – Shipping container levy proposal from SCRC
Tim Dunne DLGRMA – clarification on LGAQ’s role
Tim Dunne DLGRMA – consultation on Operation Belcarra reforms
SCRC RTI Officer – Brisbane Road Carpark Decision notice to OSCAR
Simon Cracknell – PS amendments and public consultation
SCRC RTI Officer – extensions on time for Brisbane Road RTI application
Tim Dunne, Department LGRMA – consultation on Opertion Belcarra reforms
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at SM 10 Sep and OM 13 Sep
SCRC – OSCAR Planning Scheme Amendments submission extension request
Noosa Mayor – Party house letter response
DSDMIP response – letter re Planning Amendment for south west Yandina

OSCAR email updates – 27 August, Newsflash-28 August, Newsflash-31 August, 3 September, 16 September, 23 September

OSCAR response to DLGRMA consultation on Belcarra reforms
– OSCAR feedback on Belcarra recommendations
Planning Minister – Sunshine Coast PS amendment consultation extension
SCRC CEO – Party house letter
Noosa CEO – Party house letter

August 2018


Cr Jenny McKay – response re PS amendments
DW President – PS amendment motion
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 16 August

OSCAR email updates – 26 July, 29 July, 5 August, 12 August, 19 August

SCRC Councillors – Planning Scheme amendments, August 2018
SCRC CEO – Planning Scheme amendments, August 2018

July 2018

SCRC re RTI Charges estimate notice to OSCAR
SCRC re update on Palmview Urban Development Area Investigation
SCRC invitation to briefing re next round of PS Amendments
SCRC re Business Units covered in Debt Policy
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 19 July
Response to request to Cr OPray and Robinson re Yaroomba Conditions of Approval

OSCAR email updates – 1 July, 8 July, 15 July, 23 July

Letter to SCRC Cr Dickson re Palmview
Noosa CEO – SCAAN Alternate Format campaign
Request to Cr O’Pray and Robinson re Yaroomba Conditions of Approval

May-June 2018


LG Minister – TWW response

20 June Council briefing re SCRC Planning Scheme Amendments – Round 5 and Kawana:
Agenda and minutes
Cover letter

LACA – Landsborough development
Planning Minister – TWW response
Verge Parking Workshop – Update
Summary of SCRC responses to Brisbane Road questions
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 14 June
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 17 May
SCRC CEO re Brisbane Road Car Park
Greg Laverty re OSCAR airport letter of 28 April – first response
Greg Laverty re OSCAR airport letter of 28 April – second response


OSCAR Updates – 29 April, 29 May, 5 June, 11 June, 15 June, 18 June and 25 June

SCRC CEO re Brisbane Road Carpark clarification
Greg Laverty re airport – follow-up of 28 April 2018 letter
Planning Minister – follow-up to our 21 April letter

April 2018


Economics and Governance Committee – Legislation Update
House Standing Committee ITC Committee Public Hearing
Economics and Governance Committee – Stage 1 Belcarra legislation
SCRC CEO – Verge Parking Workshop progress
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 19 April
Development Watch – Symphony by the Sea Flyer
Richard Bruinsma re media workshop for OSCAR members
Planning Minister re Pelican Waters Golf Course
Planning Minister re request for meeting


OSCAR email updates – 8, 12, 16, 22 April

RTI Officer SCRC – Potential application
Andrew Wallace MP – casino
Planning Minister – Twin Waters West
Cr John Connolly request for meeting
Brisbane Carpark questions to SCRC Mayor
Brisbane Road Carpark agenda items
     Long motions – Brisbane Road Carpark
SCRC CEO – re SCAAN Alternate Format campaign
Andrew Wallace – re SCAAN Alternate Format campaign
Letter to Office of Fair Trading

March 2018


SCEC – Invitation to World Environment Day and Newsletter re new website

Premier – response re developer donations letter
Greg Laverty, SCRC – Airport response
SC Airport Lease
Acknowledgement of OSCAR Submission – Sekisui House
SCRC CEO – details re closed sessions at OM 22 March
SCRC Parking Workshop Minutes 12 February 2018
QLGRA Newsletter – March 2018
Minister of LG – acknowledgement of receipt of letter re PWGC
Office of Fair Trading – Extension of Annual Return Date
SCAAN Alternate Format request letter


OSCAR email updates – 26 February, 12, 13 & 21 March

Letter to Economics and Governance Committee – Implementing Belcarra Legislation submission
Email to members – Implementing Belcarra calls for submissions
SCEC grant application support letter

 February 2018


NewVote Letter to Stakeholders re Sekisui

ATO – ABN details
ATO – TFN details

SCRC CEO – additional details re closed sessions at OM 22 February

Cr Dwyer – response re confidential sessions
Cr O’Pray – response re confidential sessions
Cr McKay – response re confidential sessions

Cr Hungerford – response re confidential sessions

Cr Dickson – response re confidential sessions

Cr Cox – response re confidential sessions
Further correspondence with SCRC CEO re confidential sessions

SCRC CEO – thanks for Sekisui presentation


Member updates – 30 & 31 January, 6 & 17 February

OSCAR to Planning Minister re Pelican Waters Golf Course
OSCAR members as addressed – update on Sekisui’s use of corporate logos on their advertising
Premier – donation reform legislation follow-up
Greg Laverty SCRC – SC airport
Minister Planning requesting meeting
Response to invitation to Verge Parking Workshop
Thank you to Sandy Bolton

January 2018

Example email to SCRC Councillors re confidential sessions
SCRC CEO response to Councillor email re confidential session

Philip Hattersley letter to OSCAR re Pelican Waters Golf Course

Financial Transparency follow up letter to SCRC Mayor
SCRC Mayor response to financial transparency follow-up letter

Noosa Council re historical Registers of Interests of Councillors
SCRC Invitation Letter – Parking on verges workshop

SCRC re invitation to Sekisui proposal presentation
Premier re Developer Donations

SCRC re Public Liability insurance

SCRC Response to OSCAR enquiry about Council Restructure

Previous correspondence

Financial Transparency – to SCRC Mayor
Financial Transparency – response from Mayor

Strategic Discussion Forum, 6 July 2017  – letter to SCRC Mayor
Strategic Discussion Forum – response from CEO