The Noosa Plan

The Noosa Plan is the planning scheme for the Noosa Shire and sets down the planning framework to guide its future. The plan first commenced in February 2006 and has been amended several times since. The current version of The Noosa Plan is dated 3 July 2017. Council undertook a series of administrative amendments to align certain terminology with the new Planning Act 2016 that came into effect on 3 July 2017.

Council is preparing to develop a new planning scheme over the next three years.

The Noosa Plan:

  • outlines the desired environmental outcomes sought for Noosa as a whole and for its localities;
  • allocates land for different uses;
  • coordinates and integrates infrastructure and land use planning;
  • identifies areas or places that constrain the use of land due to their environmental value, resource value or their adverse effects on development
  • identifies the kind of development that requires approval (assessable development) or that can be carried out without approval if certain requirements are met (self-assessable development)
  • specifies the development standards or criteria for assessing the suitability of a development proposal.
  • regulates vegetation clearing through the provisions of the Biodiversity Overlay.

The Noosa Plan includes: locality plans for nine localities within the Noosa Shire; zoning maps; overlay maps; priority infrastructure plan and planning scheme policies.

View the Noosa Plan (Note: Links to multiple documents)
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