Sunshine Coast Regional Council Planning Scheme 2024

This page has been created to provide information from Council relating to the Planning Scheme 2024 (PS2024) and also to provide material for and from the community on this important issue.

At the January 2021 Ordinary Meeting of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council (SCRC) a motion to commence the preparation of a new planning scheme was debated and carried.

OSCAR welcomed this action by Council.

Results of the Preliminary Consultation Program

Council sought community feedback during February and March 2022, as part of the Preliminary Consultation Program. Read the outcome of this process below.

(Note – we have included predominately text only versions of these documents to enable quicker upload time and to provide more printable versions; this is something the Council should be doing as their published documents, although “aesthetically pleasing”, are very large, problematic to print and cannot be read properly by screen reader software that is used by people with a visual impairment.)

Preliminary Consultation – Summary and Outcomes (16 pages)
     Text version of the Summary and Outcomes document
Preliminary Consultation – Final Consultation Report (295 pages)
     Text version of the Final Consultation Report document
Preliminary Consultation – Issues Consideration and Next Steps (78 pages)
     Text version of the Issues Consideration and Next Steps document


OSCAR documents

>> OSCAR and member documents can be found here

Council documents

Link to PS2024 page on SCRC website (use this to register for updates)

Planning Scheme Review and New Planning Scheme – extract from January 2021 Ordinary Meeting agenda
     PS2024 Review
     PS2024 Project Plan
     PS2024 Proposed Community Engagement Approach

Planning Scheme FAQs (relates to PS2014 but still a relevant and useful document)
Code and impact assessment factsheet

Population Growth – Mass Transit Fact Sheet 14
Challenges of land supply in the region

Planning Scheme Review Presentation

PS 2024 Community Reference Group documents

Meeting 1 Notes – CRG (30 August 2021)
     Engagement Principles and Draft Objectives
Meeting 2 Notes – CRG (6 September 2021)
Meeting 3 Notes – CRG (13 September 2021)

Council strategy documents that will inform the development of PS2024

Community Strategy 2019-2041
Design Strategy
Economic Development Strategy 2013 to 2033
Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017
Integrated Transport Strategy

Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) – adopted May 2021
     Maps and supporting information
     Five Year Implementation Plan

Stormwater Management Strategy (SMS) – under development
SCRC Stormwater Drainage Strategy Presentation
     OSCAR submission – SCRC Draft Storm Water Management Plan

Flood Mapping Presentation

Useful resources

Links to documents and articles that will assist in understanding the terminology and processes associated with Planning Schemes and their development.

This document is an outline of the Planning Scheme 2014 and should be a good guide to the structure of the PS2024: Planning Scheme 2014 outline

PIA QLD Climate Change Advocacy Report – June 2021 (NEW)

Preliminary principles for a Planning Scheme
Drafting a planning scheme guidance for local governments
Marine Turtles and Urban Planning
Wind hazard study

Code or Impact Assessable Developments in Queensland (EDO)
Model code for neighbourhood design (State Government)

ShapingSEQ – SEQ Regional Plan 2017

Community contributions

Note: documents and opinions posted here are the responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of OSCAR or carry OSCAR’s endorsement. They are posted to stimulate discussion on PS2024.

SCRC decision to prepare a new Planning Scheme by 2024 (Lindsay Holt, February 2021)