From time to time OSCAR intends to conduct Forums on a range of issues of potential interest to our members and the wider community.

These forums are designed to inform and stimulate debate on the issues canvassed but should not be seen as an endorsement from OSCAR  or even representing the view of OSCAR members on the topics covered.

OSCAR forums & workshops

Media/News writing workshop – 4 August 2018

The aim of the workshop was to provide participants with information that hopefully helps them understand the media and prepare effective media releases that generate positive responses – and therefore more publicity – from media outlets:

Topics covered:

1.       How a newsroom operates and why;

2.       The content, structure and length of an effective media release;

3.       The importance of the 5Ws and the H (who, what, where, why, when and how) in the first paragraph;

4.       The importance of the three-part headline;

5.       How to deliver media releases to the media outlet;

6.       Photos and captions;

7.       Activity: writing your own media release;

8.       Liaising with the media;  

9.       And more… 

The workshop was presented by Richard Bruinsma, Editor of the Coolum, North Shore & Bli Bli Advertiser and was very well received by the participants at the workshop. It is likley that OSCAR will repeat this workshop later in the year.

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